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26 Years of Excellence in IAOMP Indian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Oral Pathologists
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About Us
26 Years of Excellence in IAOMP
Indian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Oral Pathologists
Oral Pathology is a confluence of basic Sciences and clinical dentistry and deals with the nature of diseases, malformations, etc. of teeth, mouth and associated structures.The Indian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Oral Pathologists is a scientific body, concerned chiefly with the advancement of arts, science and practice of Oral Pathology, etc. and fulfilment of the following aims and objectives:
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Aim and Objectives
1. To promote the cooperative efforts of its members with regard to the advancement of science and practice of Oral Pathology
2. To convene scientific meetings, seminars etc. in the subject of oral pathology and microbiology.
3. To communicate and publicise the transactions and/or proceedings of the association to the members of the Association and general dental practitioners through the media, journals, newslettersetc.
4. To promote academic activities through the voluntary help of various dental and allied institutions in India and abroad.
5. To propagate and work for suitable public health measures for the prevention of orofacial diseases.
6. To arouse interest and consciousness and impart knowledge to the public about Orofacial diseases particularly oral cancer and precancer.
7. To publish and print journals, periodicals, articles, other literature and produce videos relating to problems, practice, methods and other matter related to oral pathology and microbiology.
8. To collaborate with similar associations worldwide.
9. To represent officially the views of the members of the association on all matters affecting or likely to affect the study and practice of oral pathology in India to the Government of India, Dental Council of India, different state governments and union territories, foreign governments , municipalities, local boards, universities or any other public or private Institution.
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