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India Can Torch- Anti-Cancer Awareness Program conducted on 11.09.23 at Thai moogambigai
The program was inaugurated by dignitaries – Prof Dr S Geethalakshmi Vice-Chancellor; Special Officer Mr Dhanavel IAS, Advisor Dr Jeyachandran along with the office bearers President IAOMP Dr. N Chaitanya Babu , Dr. Nadeem Jeddy , Hon.Secretary IAOMP, Joint Registrar, Prof and Head of Oral Pathology, Dr Smitha T, Hon Editor, JOMFP and Dr Gururaj, guest speaker for the occasion.The program included a guest lecture on ” Checkmating Cancer” by Prof Dr Gururaj. It was attended by 150 delegates following which the Anti-cancer rally was inaugurated by the Vice -Chancellor of Dr MGR Educational and Research Institute University Prof Dr S Geethalakshmi.
Students and interns actively participated in the rally held within and outside the campus chanting slogans and highlighting the ill effects of tobacco on health and creating awareness about cancer.
The ICAN torch program Haryana & Combination
Lighting of the India CAN Torch in K D Dental College and Hospital, Mathura
At Institute K D Dental College and Hospital, Mathura under the aegis of Indian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists hosted IAOMP Oral Cancer awareness torch on 13.04.2023. To mark the occasion Cancer awareness activities like Awareness march in the city of Mathura and Oral Cancer awareness skit played by undergraduate students were organized. The Cancer torch was lit and the flame of Oral Cancer awareness was spread across the city.
Lighting of the India CAN Torch in Parbhani (MH)
Saraswati Dhanwantari Dental College and Hospital, and Postgraduate Research Institute, Parbhani, Maharashtra.This program was organized on 23rd to 25th January 2023. 300 students actively participated. The INDIA CAN TORCH was lit followed by a rally, skit and singing performances of students followed by Oral cancer awareness camp in adopted village where approximately 700 patients were screened for Oral Cancer as well as other dental related issues.
Lighting of the India CAN Torch in Saharanpur (UP)
The ICAN torch program was organized in two parts. First part was at Yamuna Institute of Dental Sciences and Research, Haryana. oral cancer awareness program and dental health check up was performed. In second part, the program was held in combination with National Tobacco Control Program and IDA, Saharanpur (UP). An oral cancer awareness rally followed by a dental checkup camp was organized along with district administration. The rally was flagged off by District Commissioner while the camp was inaugurated by Chief Medical Officer, Saharanpur (UP).
Lighting of the India CAN Torch in Amritsar
The Conference platform was used to devise a Community Outreach Program on Cancer which was spread over a week in collaboration with FLO, WCC and VoTV to bring cancer awareness, education and screening facilities to people who wouldn’t otherwise have access to such services. It started with a free Early Cancer Detection Camp on 12.11.2018 in which about 4000 people were screened free for oral, breast & cervical cancer. The camp was followed by an empowering Conclave- Show You Care Be Aware that featured Cancer Crusaders & Survivors (celebrities like Lisa Ray and Tahira Kashyap). A pan India Oral Cancer Awareness drive India Can was launched at the inaugural ceremony on 16.11.2018. A cancer torch was lit and the flame of oral cancer awareness began it’s onwards journey from Amritsar to its final destination Kerala. The Calendar of Causes culminated with a Run over Cancer – a 3 km health run with the Great Run of Punjab on 23.112018.
IAOMP Torch Activity (Lucknow)
The International Conference of Forensic Odontology and Child Abuse (ICFO 2019) organized by Forensic Odontology Unit, Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Faculty of Dental Sciences King George’s Medical University from 31st July to 3rd August 2019 in association with IAOMP. The conference platform was utilized for IAOMP Torch Activity too. We organized the Oral Cancer Awareness camps, rally, “Nukad Natak”, in association with the 4 dental colleges (Career Dental College, Saraswati Dental College, Sardar Patel Dental College and Chandra Dental College) of Lucknow. Oral Cancer Awareness Torch was lit at the inaugural ceremony on 2nd August 2019 and the Torch activities held till 13 August after that Torch moved to Jaipur for the next halt in its journey.
IAOMP Torch Activity (PGIDS , Rohtak)
Dept of Oral Pathology, PGIDS hosted India CAN Torch event on 25/10/19 by conducting various competitions for students on poster making, slogan writing and soap carvings. Honourable Vice Chancellor of Pt. Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences and Principal, PGIDS unveiled the “India CAN torch” and lead the oral cancer awareness walkathon in the city. At the end of the walkathon students educated patients about oral cancer in Medical and Dental OPD by playing nukkad natak and distributing pamphlets on cancer awareness
IAOMP Torch Guidelines
Only less than 50 percent of oral cancer cases are broke down at starting times of the disease and this is because of constrained degree of poor awareness and non-attendance of data on the signs and symptoms of this deadly disease. Oral cancer is a noteworthy disease worldwide with up to 400,000 new cases each year and pretty much 130,000 passing’s each year. Prominently, 80% of these cases occur in the South and South East Asian countries. The recurrence of oral cancer is growing in various countries basically in light of the power of smoking and alcohol usage, the essential parts. In Asian countries including India, the condition is exacerbated by the demonstration of betel quid chewing. Despite the risk factors adding to oral ailment enhancement, the most indispensable factor that changes persevering survival is the stage by which the oral cancer is diagnosed. The mouth is easily open for clinical or even self-examination; early diagnosis of oral cancer is speculatively possible. Regardless, various benign mouth diseases may appear as oral cancer or precancer and learning of some important features of oral cancer may in all likelihood uncover issues of individuals by and large to search for thought early. Bringing awareness light engages individuals to show early. The proportion of oral cancer cases diagnosed at an early and localised stage is still less than fifty percent resulting in an appalling 5-year survival rate of about 50%. Current evidence suggests that this is in part due to poor public awareness of the disease itself and the associated signs and symptoms of oral cancer and premalignant lesions. Therefore Indian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology have decided to run a national wide oral cancer awareness programs through various dental establishments which are set up in India with a TITLE: WE CAN.
A packet of support materials, to include:
• Patient Education Brochures covering risk factors, signs and symptoms.
• Official oral cancer awareness wristbands.
• A certificate of participation.
• An Oral Cancer Facts Sheet to display.
• An HPV & Oral Cancer Fact Sheet to display.