Proposed guidelines for organizing IAOMP zonal CDE program

  • General Guidelines
    1. A. The requesting Oral Pathology department is required to obtain initial approval from the IAOMP office bearers before finalizing its CDE program or entering into formal agreements with resource persons.
    2. B. The Oral Pathology department requesting for CDE activities must submit the program schedule and attach an official written request from the Head of the Department or Chairman of Organizing Committee to the IAOMP Secretary.
    3. C. Preference will be given zone wise ie: North, South, East, West & Central zone.

North zone include Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and the Union Territories of Delhi & Chandigarh and Rajasthan.

South zone include Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu as well as the union territories of Puducherry, Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar.

East zone include West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura.

West zone include Goa, Gujarat and Maharashtra, along with the Union territory of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli of India.

Central Zone include Madhya Pradesh, Jharkand and Chattisgarh

      1. D. Oral Pathology departments which will be organizing a PG convention or National conference are not eligible to organize the CDE program in the same year.
      2. E. The IAOMP office bearers shall be responsible for reviewing and approving the content of proposed CDE programs to ensure that there is no overlap in the topics from other zones, PG convention and Conference.
  • Panel of speakers
        1. A. The list of all the interested persons to be included as speakers has to be made with zone-wise priority. (This can to some extent reduce the speaker expenditures and can also give a chance to many enthusiasts to show-case their academic expertise and also create interest in many others. If a particular college is ready to call some other speaker other than the name given in that particular zone, a prior approval can be obtained, provided the organizing college is ready to bear with the required expenditure over-heads.)
        2. B. The interested persons can register/enrol themselves with the Head office under the Panel of Speakers. Their Curriculum – Vitae has to be submitted to the Head Office with a proper detailing of their photograph, Mail-ID, contact number and their specific area of interest, all of which will be displayed in the association website. Only such names will be given a chance to deliver guest lectures under these programs.
        3. C. The registered speaker should be a good standing Life Member of IAOMP.
        4. D. The same speaker is not to be repeated continuously so as to give chance to other persons/ new talents.
  • Program type
          1. A. Any Zonal CDE of the Association should be done as a full day program, only in a recognized Institution / college of a particular zone which is providing the PG program (List of places included in a particular zone have already been mentioned).
          2. B. The program should include at least 2 lectures (one speaker can be from the host institute) in the morning session.
          3. C. The afternoon (Post-Lunch) session should include either Hands-on / Demo
            /Clinic co-Pathological Correlation / Slide discussions / Case studies.
  • Association guidelines for IAOMP sponsorship
            1. A. A total of 4 CDE programs have to be conducted under the Indian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, one each, in the zones mentioned
            2. B. Any overheads incurred as part of the program has to be taken care by the organizers / host institute/institutions in that particular zone.
            3. C. The students are not to be burdened with too high attendance fees/ registration fees towards the CDE program.
            4. D. The certificates printed as part of the program, have to be in a standardized format mentioned by the H.O and can be printed at the host region. The certificates should include IAOMP logo and signatures of IAOMP president and secretary.
            5. E. The H.O. is not responsible or does not provide any accreditation points for the program. The host institution can include/allocate the accreditation points from their respective State Dental council and include it on the certificate.
  • Reporting of the programThe following is the list of details to be submitted to the Zonal CDE Committee of the H.O.:
              1. A. Detailed report of the program with details of “Title of the program”; Date; Venue; Topics of lectures; Type of Post-Lunch session conducted (Whether – Hands-on / Demo / Clinic-o-Pathological Correlation / Slide discussions / Case studies)
              2. B. Invitation letter on the letter head of the host institution, to the various colleges in that particular zone.
              3. C. Invitation letters to the Speakers, on the letter head of the host institution.. Expenses incurred as part of the program, with copies of bills.
              4. D. Feedback forms from all the delegates with their signatures.
              5. E. Consolidated evaluation proforma of the Feedback forms by the Head of the Department of the host institution.
              6. F. The PPT’s presented by the respective speakers at the Zonal CDE, to be submitted in a CD format.
              7. G. Photograph of the conducted program. The photographs attached must be greater than 5 MB in size

To register for the

32nd National Conference of IAOMP

To register for the

22nd National PG convention of IAOMP