CDE on National Oral Pathologists day Celebration at Thai Moogambigai Dental College and Hospital

A Guest lecture on “Career prospects in Oral Pathology” was delivered by Dr R Ramya, Prof and Head, Dept of Oral Biology. Saveetha Dental College. The program was well received and attended by 150 delegates. Multiple skill-based competitions such as Soup Carving. Painting and Nail art was conducted
Welcome address was delivered by the Principal followed by Special address by the Hon. Secretary of IAOMP. Joint Registrar and Head of the Department Dr Nadeem Jeddy. Prizes in the form of medals and certificates were distributed to the top three winners of the various competitions followed by prize distribution to the postgraduate toppers in Oral Pathology for the past 3 years.

To register for the

32nd National Conference of IAOMP

To register for the

22nd National PG convention of IAOMP