President's Message
Dr. Puneet Ahuja

“I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers”- Ralph Nader
Dear friends,
Greetings! With a proud heart and a privileged legacy. I humbly thank all members for reposing their trust in me as the President-IAOMP. I am extremely honored by this huge privilege, but also a very big responsibility, which I hope to fulfill. I am excited and looking forward to a great year.
As I look back over my journey in IAOMP, I realize that I am standing on the shoulders of “Giants” that have served this association. As a guideline to my tenure as President, I would like to stress the importance of being open and inclusive. I along with the new Executive Committee members are thoroughly enthused to embrace the responsibility and challenges brought by a changing social milieu, rapid technological changes and a paradigm shift in Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology as a subject and our association.
The Executive Committee has its course charted out with emphasis on quality scientific deliberations, student-exchange programs, international and national collaborations and to be a vital stakeholder for optimum representation and advocacy to the higher decision making authorities.
I have tremendous respect of the task before me, and I will give my best to serve the association, to help achieve its goals and to promote the agenda of IAOMP with sincerity and integrity for the benefit of all members and our specialty.
My Executive Committee members and I would leave no stone unturned to bring higher glory to the association and I look forward to sustained support, co-operation and critical evaluation by the members and advisors.
In closing, I want to see the recommitment and excitement in our members to forge ahead for continued growth and development.
“The greatest danger is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it” – Michelangelo.
Thank you.
With warm regards
Prof. Dr. Puneet Ahuja
President – IAOMP
BBD College of Dental Sciences
BBD University, Lucknow.